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Tags for ‘12 Keys’

Major ii V7 I Jazz lick with a b9 Tom Harrell played 2

Posted on May 31, 2009 by Sweets

I heard Tom Harrell play this Jazz lick in the beginning of his trumpet solo on Scrapple From the Apple off his Moon Alley album. This lick doesn’t necessarily have to be played over a ii V7 I, it can be played over a regular major chord as well. It’s a very scale like Jazz […] Read the rest of this entry…

A ii V7 I Jazz lick I heard Tom Harrell play

Posted on May 29, 2009 by Sweets

I heard Tom Harrell play this ii V7 I Jazz lick. I can’t remember what album it was off of though. This ii V7 I Jazz lick starts off using a minor arpeggio starting on the 7th then finishes off with a b9 ending on the 3rd of the I chord. Here is a sound […] Read the rest of this entry…

Descending major triad lick I heard Freddie Hubbard play 1

Posted on May 24, 2009 by Sweets

This descending major triad Jazz lick is really easy to learn because it just goes down the major scale in triads based off the major scale you’re playing in. I heard Freddie Hubbard play this Jazz lick off his album on the tune entitled Dear John which is basically an arrangement of Giant Steps. Here […] Read the rest of this entry…

A ii V7 I lick that repeats a minor pattern down a half step

Posted on May 22, 2009 by Sweets

Here is a pretty easy ii V7 I Jazz lick to learn. A trombone player I used to work with showed this lick to me.  This lick is basically a minor pattern that repeats itself going down a half step to land on a chord tone of the I chord. Here is a sound sample […] Read the rest of this entry…

A dominant pattern that goes outside 3

Posted on May 20, 2009 by Sweets

Here is another cool outside dominant pattern that a good Jazz trombonist was kind enough to show me. This Jazz lick is easy to learn and implement into your improvised solos. Here is a sound sample played on trumpet: How to memorize this dominant pattern in 12 keys: You can see that this dominant pattern […] Read the rest of this entry…

A pentatonic lick that goes outside the key 6

Posted on May 16, 2009 by Sweets

Here is a cool sounding pentatonic pattern I got from a really good trombone player I used to work with. This pentatonic lick starts off with a minor pentatonic scale, then you go down a Major third, outside the key and do another minor pentatonic scale. You can play whatever pattern or notes that you […] Read the rest of this entry…

A diminished lick with some rhythm

Posted on May 12, 2009 by Sweets

I got this rhythmic diminished lick listening to a good trombone player friend of mine. It’s a real easy diminished lick to incorporate into your improvised Jazz solos. You don’t have to play this diminished pattern how it is written, be creative and come up with your own variation of the lick. Here is a […] Read the rest of this entry…

The all famous Cry Me a River Jazz lick 7

Posted on May 09, 2009 by Sweets

Here is the all famous Cry Me a River Jazz lick. It is heard all over the Jazz world by every famous Jazz musician in some variation or another. If you don’t have this Jazz lick in your bag of tricks yet, I highly encourage you to get it down in 12 keys as soon […] Read the rest of this entry…

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