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Tags for ‘Chord’

Major diatonic triad pattern played over some standard Jazz blues

Posted on April 03, 2014 by Justin Malizia

This Jazz pattern is pretty easy to learn and incorporate into your Jazz solos. It is basically triads based of a major scale with an added half step in between each diatonic triad going up the major scale. Here is a sample played on trumpet over some standard Jazz blues: How to memorize this jazz […] Read the rest of this entry…

Dominant scale ii V7 I Jazz lick 15

Posted on March 29, 2010 by Sweets

Here is a pretty easy dominant scale ii V7 I Jazz lick I got from a friend of mine some time ago. It simply starts on the tonic of the ii chord and goes up the dominant scale until hitting the 3rd of the I chord and then ending on the cry me a river […] Read the rest of this entry…

Easy old school ii V7 I Jazz lick to learn in 12 keys 5

Posted on December 13, 2009 by Sweets

Here is an easy ii V7 I Jazz lick to learn in 12 keys. I was messing around with some Aebersolds a few days ago and started playing it. I knew I heard the lick before somewhere, it sounded really old school to me, yet still hip enough to play. It really sounds cool if […] Read the rest of this entry…

ii V7 I Jazz lick that starts off as bebop and finishes as diminished 9

Posted on October 22, 2009 by Sweets

I got this ii V7 I Jazz lick from David Baker’s How to Play Bebop – Volume 1 book. Lots of great bebop licks in that book, highly recommended, you won’t be disappointed in all the nice Jazz licks you’ll learn from it. Anyway, this ii V7 I lick starts off with the bebop scale […] Read the rest of this entry…

ii V7 I Jazz lick I heard Clifford Brown play on trumpet

Posted on June 22, 2009 by Sweets

This ii V7 I Jazz lick I heard Clifford Brown play is pretty easy to learn and implement into your Jazz solos. If you look towards the end of the Clifford Brown Jazz lick you’ll see an enclosure. If you don’t know what a Jazz enclosure is, it’s where you go up a half step […] Read the rest of this entry…

A ii V7 I Jazz lick I heard Tom Harrell play

Posted on May 29, 2009 by Sweets

I heard Tom Harrell play this ii V7 I Jazz lick. I can’t remember what album it was off of though. This ii V7 I Jazz lick starts off using a minor arpeggio starting on the 7th then finishes off with a b9 ending on the 3rd of the I chord. Here is a sound […] Read the rest of this entry…

The all famous Cry Me a River Jazz lick 7

Posted on May 09, 2009 by Sweets

Here is the all famous Cry Me a River Jazz lick. It is heard all over the Jazz world by every famous Jazz musician in some variation or another. If you don’t have this Jazz lick in your bag of tricks yet, I highly encourage you to get it down in 12 keys as soon […] Read the rest of this entry…

A ii V7 I lick based off the major 7th

Posted on April 30, 2009 by Sweets

A guitar player I used to work with showed me this easy ii V7 I lick.  The lick is based off the major 7th of the I chord, this is how I remember the lick. Here is a sound sample of the lick played on trumpet: How to memorize this ii V7 I lick in […] Read the rest of this entry…

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