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December 13, 2009 by
Here is an easy ii V7 I Jazz lick to learn in 12 keys. I was messing around with some Aebersolds a few days ago and started playing it. I knew I heard the lick before somewhere, it sounded really old school to me, yet still hip enough to play. It really sounds cool if […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Blues Progression, Chord, ii V7 I Jazz Lick, Learn by Ear, Minor Scale, Old School Lick, Raised fourth, Sound Sample, Tonic, Trumpet
ii V7 I
Posted on
April 15, 2009 by
Here is a ii V7 I lick you can play where you will think in harmonic minor for the beginning of the lick and use a minor arpeggio at the end of the lick. I got this lick listening to Tom Harrell. I believe I got this lick from one of Tom Harrell’s April Mist […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Arpeggio, Chord, Dorian, Harmonic Minor, ii V7 I, Lick, Major, Melodic Minor Scale, Minor, Minor Scale, Tonic, Trumpet
ii V7 I, Minor