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October 08, 2009 by
Here’s a neat sounding turnaround Jazz lick that leans on the b9 when it’s on the V7 chord. The b9 is what makes the lick sound really cool because it makes the pattern want to go towards the next chord change. Here is a sound sample on trumpet: How to memorize this turnaround in 12 […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Arpeggio, b9, Chord Change, Jazz Lick, Jazz Patterns, Neat Sounding, Pattern, Sound Sample, Trumpet, Turnaround, V7 Chords
Posted on
May 08, 2009 by
This bebop exercise or calisthenic, will help you in developing your use of arpeggios into your improvisation skills. The bebop exercise goes up the dominant scale with a half step before each arpeggio. Once you get the pattern down, you’ll be able to incorporate the pattern into a Jazz lick you can use to start […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: Arpeggio, Bebop Exercises, Bebop Licks, Bebop Pattern, Calisthenic, Dominant Scale, Doodle, Improvisation Skills, Jazz Lick, Pattern, Practice Material, Technique, The Be Boppers Method Book, Trumpet, Video Demonstration
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April 30, 2009 by
A guitar player I used to work with showed me this easy ii V7 I lick. The lick is based off the major 7th of the I chord, this is how I remember the lick. Here is a sound sample of the lick played on trumpet: How to memorize this ii V7 I lick in […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Arpeggio, Chord, Chromatic Scale, Diminished, Guitar Player, ii V7 I, Lick, Major 7th, Trumpet, Whole Step
ii V7 I
Posted on
April 20, 2009 by
Here is a ii V7 I lick that uses the bebop scale for pretty much the entire lick. Here is a sample of the lick played on trumpet: How to memorize this lick in 12 keys: If you just think about the C bebop scale throughout this entire lick, you’ll learn it very quickly in […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Arpeggio, Bebop, Chord, Diminished, ii V7 I, Lick, Memorize, Scale, Tonic, Trumpet
Bebop, ii V7 I
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April 15, 2009 by
Here is a ii V7 I lick you can play where you will think in harmonic minor for the beginning of the lick and use a minor arpeggio at the end of the lick. I got this lick listening to Tom Harrell. I believe I got this lick from one of Tom Harrell’s April Mist […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Arpeggio, Chord, Dorian, Harmonic Minor, ii V7 I, Lick, Major, Melodic Minor Scale, Minor, Minor Scale, Tonic, Trumpet
ii V7 I, Minor
Posted on
April 13, 2009 by
This is a well known Jazz lick you hear a lot of Jazz artists play in different variations. A trombone player I used to work with in Seattle was kind enough to show me this easy lick. Here is a sound sample played on trumpet: How to memorize this ii V7 I lick in 12 […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Arpeggio, Artists, Chord, Diminished, Famous, ii V7 I, Jazz, Lick, Memorize, Scale, Trombone Player, Trumpet
ii V7 I
Posted on
April 12, 2009 by
Here is an easy bebop lick that you can play over a ii V7 I. Here is a sound sample on trumpet: How to memorize in 12 keys: This lick is really easy to learn in 12 keys. Whatever note you start on is the bebop scale you will play. Know that the C bebop […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Arpeggio, Bebop, Bebop Scale, Chord, Diminished, ii V7 I, Lick, Major, Tonic, Trumpet
Bebop, ii V7 I