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Archive for ‘Tritone’

Basic pentatonic lick that moves by tritone and is great for slipping in and out of minor keys played over a C minor 7 vamp 1

Posted on February 17, 2014 by Jay Gillespie

This is a basic super hip minor pentatonic side slipping lick where I move by tritone every bar. This Jazz lick is great practice for slipping out of and back into any minor key you are soloing in. I’m playing this pattern on a Bb tenor saxophone so it will sync well on trumpet. Here […] Read the rest of this entry…

Tritone Diminished combination Jazz lick 6

Posted on February 21, 2011 by Greg London

Here is a pretty easy way to combine the usage of tritones on dominant chords and the playing of a diminished scale or pattern to compliment it. As long as you land on a chord tone in the next measure, you should be good to go. Take a look at the Jazz lick below: Here […] Read the rest of this entry…

Major triad Jazz pattern a tritone apart 2

Posted on September 19, 2009 by Sweets

Here is a very easy to learn major triad pair that is a tritone apart. This Jazz pattern is useful over modal tunes and Jazz breaks. There really isn’t any set pattern for this major triad tritone pattern. You simply can just mess around with the Jazz pattern until you find something that works for […] Read the rest of this entry…

A Freddie Hubbard Bebop and ii V7 I Lick

Posted on April 12, 2009 by Sweets

I heard Freddie Hubbard play this bebop lick over a ii V7 I on his Hub-Tones album. Sound sample played on trumpet: Video removed How to memorize in 12 keys: The entire beginning part of the lick is just a bebop scale. The lick starts on the tonic down to the b7th and up the […] Read the rest of this entry…

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