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Tags for ‘Head’

Roy Hargrove trumpet solo over blues rhythm changes 4

Posted on June 07, 2009 by Sweets

Here is a nice Jazz trumpet solo I found of Roy Hargrove taking a ride over some basic rhythm changes. I like this Jazz trumpet solo because Roy Hargrove nails all the changes and he makes use of good space throughout the trumpet solo. The name of the tune is apparently Da Costa De La […] Read the rest of this entry…

Ryan Kisor trumpet solo on Cherokee 2

Posted on May 11, 2009 by Sweets

I wanted to let you know about a really fast Jazz trumpet solo of Ryan Kisor on the tune Cherokee from his album entitled Kisor. It’s a really good CD, definitely take a look at it. I don’t know what tempo Ryan Kisor took Cherokee at though. Ryan Kisor starts Cherokee off soloing right away, […] Read the rest of this entry…

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