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April 22, 2009 by
Here is a whole tone lick I heard Dexter Gordon play. I can’t remember what album it was off of though. Here is a sample played on trumpet: How to learn the lick in 12 keys: Know that this lick is a whole tone pattern and you are just going down the whole tone scale. […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Album, Dexter Gordon, Learn, Lick, Minor, Note, Pattern, Scale, Trumpet, Whole Step, Whole Tone
Whole Tone
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April 19, 2009 by
This is a nice sounding whole tone lick I heard Claudio Roditi play. It simply goes down the whole tone scale with the same pattern repeating over and over again. Here is a sound sample played on trumpet: How to memorize this lick in 12 keys: Since this is a whole tone pattern, you’ll only […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Chromatic, Claudio Roditi, Lick, Major, Memorize, Notes, Pattern, Scale, Trumpet, Whole Step, Whole Tone
Whole Tone
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April 19, 2009 by
This whole tone pattern alternates between 4ths and whole steps going down. Because this Jazz whole tone pattern alternates between 4ths and whole steps, you won’t be able to stay in one whole tone key. Hear a sound sample played on trumpet: How to memorize this lick in 12 keys: Once again since this is […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, 4th, Chords, Dominant, Fourth, Jazz, Key, Lick, Memorize, Modal, Note, Pattern, Trumpet, Whole Steps, Whole Tone
Fourths, Whole Tone
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April 12, 2009 by
Here is an easy whole tone lick I got from a saxophone player I used to work with back in Japan. Here is a sound sample on trumpet: How to memorize the lick in 12 keys: Because it is a whole tone pattern based off using an augmented triad you’ll only need to memorize the […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Augmented Triad, Lick, Memorize, Pattern, Saxophone Player, Trumpet, Whole Tone
Whole Tone
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April 11, 2009 by
Here is a cool sounding whole tone pattern to take advantage of. Really easy to learn. Here is a sound sample: How to memorize in 12 keys: Since this pattern is a whole tone pattern, you’ll only need to learn it in two different keys. This is due to the fact that there are only two […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Lick, Pattern, Trumpet, Whole Tone
Whole Tone