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May 09, 2009 by
Here is the all famous Cry Me a River Jazz lick. It is heard all over the Jazz world by every famous Jazz musician in some variation or another. If you don’t have this Jazz lick in your bag of tricks yet, I highly encourage you to get it down in 12 keys as soon […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Chord, Cry Me A River, Diminished, Diminished Lick, Diminished Scale, Famous, Improvised, Jazz Lick, Jazz Musician, Jazz Theory, Jazz World, Muscle Memory, Trumpet
Diminished, Tricks & Quotes
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April 13, 2009 by
This is a well known Jazz lick you hear a lot of Jazz artists play in different variations. A trombone player I used to work with in Seattle was kind enough to show me this easy lick. Here is a sound sample played on trumpet: How to memorize this ii V7 I lick in 12 […] Read the rest of this entry…
Tags: 12 Keys, Arpeggio, Artists, Chord, Diminished, Famous, ii V7 I, Jazz, Lick, Memorize, Scale, Trombone Player, Trumpet
ii V7 I