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Tags for ‘12 Keys’

A whole tone pattern I heard Claudio Roditi play on trumpet

Posted on April 19, 2009 by Sweets

This is a nice sounding whole tone lick I heard Claudio Roditi play. It simply goes down the whole tone scale with the same pattern repeating over and over again. Here is a sound sample played on trumpet: How to memorize this lick in 12 keys: Since this is a whole tone pattern, you’ll only […] Read the rest of this entry…

A 4th whole tone pattern to learn 5

Posted on April 19, 2009 by Sweets

This whole tone pattern alternates between 4ths and whole steps going down. Because this Jazz whole tone pattern alternates between 4ths and whole steps, you won’t be able to stay in one whole tone key. Hear a sound sample played on trumpet: How to memorize this lick in 12 keys: Once again since this is […] Read the rest of this entry…

A ii V7 I lick thinking in minor 3

Posted on April 15, 2009 by Sweets

Here is a ii V7 I lick you can play where you will think in harmonic minor for the beginning of the lick and use a minor arpeggio at the end of the lick.  I got this lick listening to Tom Harrell. I believe I got this lick from one of Tom Harrell’s April Mist […] Read the rest of this entry…

Diminished pattern going down

Posted on April 14, 2009 by Sweets

A sax player in New Orleans showed me this easy diminished lick. I asked him what diminished licks he knew and he was kind enough to share a few with me. I have more, but they will come in later posts. A sound sample played on trumpet: Learn the pattern in 12 keys: Since this […] Read the rest of this entry…

A famous ii V7 I lick you hear a lot of Jazz artists play

Posted on April 13, 2009 by Sweets

This is a well known Jazz lick you hear a lot of Jazz artists play in different variations. A trombone player I used to work with in Seattle was kind enough to show me this easy lick. Here is a sound sample played on trumpet: How to memorize this ii V7 I lick in 12 […] Read the rest of this entry…

An easy bebop lick over a ii V7 I

Posted on April 12, 2009 by Sweets

Here is an easy bebop lick that you can play over a ii V7 I. Here is a sound sample on trumpet: How to memorize in 12 keys: This lick is really easy to learn in 12 keys. Whatever note you start on is the bebop scale you will play. Know that the C bebop […] Read the rest of this entry…

Tom Harrell Pentatonic lick 2

Posted on April 12, 2009 by Sweets

I can’t remember the name of the recording or the tune. But I do remember hearing Tom Harrell play this pentatonic pattern. Here is a sound sample on trumpet: Best way to learn in 12 keys: Since this is a pentatonic lick, it’s a little harder to learn in a formula other than 1 2 […] Read the rest of this entry…

A Freddie Hubbard Bebop and ii V7 I Lick

Posted on April 12, 2009 by Sweets

I heard Freddie Hubbard play this bebop lick over a ii V7 I on his Hub-Tones album. Sound sample played on trumpet: Video removed How to memorize in 12 keys: The entire beginning part of the lick is just a bebop scale. The lick starts on the tonic down to the b7th and up the […] Read the rest of this entry…

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